I just realized that not only do I buy and hoard too much fabric, but I also do the same with gift wrapping paper. I'm always finding more paper that I love. But, I don't have the heart to use it as gift wrap. I just know that it will be torn, crumpled, and tossed. So, I find ways to save it.
I've lined a plain tray with it, used it to cover books, or as a back drop in bookcases.
I always use it as a drawer liner.
At the end of this post I'm sharing some of my smaller projects. Big project first.
I've had some wrapping paper for a long time.
I decided to decoupage one of my long-time favorites onto a vintage dresser.
The pattern is so pretty and it even has a name, Versailles.
"Versailles" Wrapping Paper |
I've decoupaged small pieces before, but wanted to try to add this paper to a plain dresser.
I used a crackle medium and linen white paint on the surfaces I didn't cover with paper.
Decoupaged Five-Drawer Chest |
Normally, I use Mod Podge when I decoupage.
This time though I decided to use this archival adhesive from Michaels.
Archival Adhesive |
The hardest part was lining up the pattern. Before I got started, I numbered all the drawers on the bottom so I was sure they would be in the correct order. I had already removed the knobs and painted them when I painted the dresser. Next, I placed the drawers, face up onto the floor in the same order they were in the dresser. I started lining up the pattern with the top drawers, then continued down to the last drawer, matching each one with the drawer above it.
Completed Drawer Fronts with Matching Pattern |
Once I knew that the pattern was lined up correctly, I cut the paper a little larger than I needed it to be. You can trim this excess off later with a razor blade when the adhesive dries. Next, I used a sponge brush to apply some adhesive and completely cover the drawer face. I started with the paper in a corner of the drawer and smoothed from side to side until the whole drawer was covered. I used an old credit card to make sure there were no air bubbles underneath. You have to be careful and patient. Once the drawers were dry, I trimmed the excess and applied several coats of adhesive on top to seal the paper. I added extra adhesive around the edges to seal them and keep them from peeling up. I added the knobs and put the drawers into the dresser
I even added a piece of the tassel pattern in the center of the knob.
Knob with a Piece of the Paper Pattern in the Center |
Chippy Leg and Sides and Scalloped Apron |
I also added the gift wrap to the sides.
Side View with Paper |
The recessed panel made it very easy to measure and apply.
Recessed Side Panel with Gift Wrap Paper |
You can see that I lightly distressed the painted surfaces.
Side View Close-up |
You've probably seen these before, but I wanted to share my other uses for wrapping paper.
I wrapped some books in plain orange paper, then decoupaged a vintage elephant print to the spines.
Full post
I used paper with a zebra print to cover some books. They're perfect risers at the store.
My chalkboard has a leopard wrapping paper border.
Animal Print Wrap on Books and Chalkboard |
I always use it to line drawers.
Gift Wrap as Drawer Liner |
I lined a tray with snakeskin wrap then used the extra for more books.
Snakeskin Paper on Books and in Vintage Tray |
In this next image I used chevron fabric on a bookcase, but you just as easily could use gift wrap.
You can use foam core behind to support it. To see the full post, go
I have one last tray to share. I used some wrapping paper from World Market to decoupage these marching elephants onto a plain gold tray.
How have you used your gift wrap?
Do you rescue wrapping paper?
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