Yes, I'll admit that I've been fascinated with faux fur for a while---maybe even obsessed.
I've draped it over tables, onto benches, cots, and chairs and even wrapped a vanity bench in its fluffiness. I think the vanity bench was my favorite so I began a search for another.
My sweet long-time friend, Dianna, who owns
Diamond Antiques, found me a long lovely bench covered in botanical fabric with curvy carved legs. Of course I'm never one to leave well enough alone and always seem to take the most difficult route. This was no exception. I removed the lovely fabric---and 10,000 staples--- and recovered it in--you guessed it--faux fur. Here it is all done and ready for our next sale which is our
Grand Opening.
Of course you must have noticed the curvy legs. They originally were a dark mahogany. I thought they were too dark once I added the fur so I stripped them with
Citristrip. It's easy to use, non-toxic, and I discovered that an old credit card is a great way to scrape off the goo. I'd also been wanting to try to use
Liming Wax so after I dry brushed the legs with a light grey paint, I applied the wax.
Stripped, Painted, and Waxed Leg |
I was impressed by the way the liming wax outlined the carvings in the leg.
Side View of Lime Waxed Legs |
When I looked at this next image I thought that the faux fur reminded me of a bad hair day,
but in a good way.
Fur Bed Head |
It also made a great back drop for my small sale items.
Link to Diamond Antiques and Gifts in Tarentum, PA