One of the best decor solutions for an expanse of wall in a home is a gallery wall. I decided that I would try something different though on a large empty wall in my living room. Instead of a gallery arrangement, I was going to use a vintage garden gate to fill the space. I originally purchased the gate for my garden, but after getting it home I thought it was way too nice for the garden and I found a spot for it inside.
My Very Chippy Wonderful Gold Leaf Gate Against the Living Room Wall |
Layering is one of my favorite things to do. Here's my step by step to my wall vignette.
I had a large framed print of an urn. You know how I always change things so I was reluctant to put a huge hole in the wall to hang the picture, especially since the room had recently been painted. Big trouble with Mr. AAV too when the next change up happens. Instead I used a gold architectural pedestal and a large plate holder to support it against the gate.
Urn Print Leaning Against Wall Supported by Architectural Pedestal |
For the next layer I added a vintage tiered table with a Duncan Phyfe base. The tiers are supported by small turned brass posts. This type of base is very common on vintage mahogany dining room tables. When you see it on the table though they have
double pedestals for support.
Any time I come across mirrored stands I buy them. I love the footed stands. Many times they were intended to be used on vanities or dressers. For me, they're perfect
pedestals for cloches. I think the one I'm using in this project was a ceiling mount for a light. It looks like some clever person added a mirror. I love its uniqueness and its perfectness as a riser.
Mirrored Pedestal |
Instead of topping the pedestal with a cloche, I filled a glass cylinder with my signature orbs. I use orbs everywhere in my home. I love the color and marbleizing on these.
I couldn't stop here of course. On a trip to the beach last year I found this Italianate candlestick while shopping. I topped it with another orb instead of a candle.
Wait, there's more. Are you surprised? I love unique bookends. These mimic columns and you know how I love to add architectural features to the mix.
The next image shows both book ends embracing some well-worn leather books.
Don't leave. I'm almost done. The last thing I did was steal some slip covered chairs from the dining room and place them on either side of the table.
Did you notice the mirrored footed dresser pedestal on the table shelf?
So what do you think?
What have you layered? What have you done to fill an expanse of wall? Please share.
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